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Collaboration key to creating an extraordinary workplace

In the modern workplace, we as a society use teams to create value, reach goals, and provide customer service, among other markers of organizational success. Teams are about people coming together to bring innovation to life and solving problems in new ways.

It’s like this analogy: ‘Just like carpenters need tools to build a structure, organizations need teams to create a product.’ The key to unlocking seamless collaboration starts at the top; leaders and CEOs must properly form and cultivate teams in order to mold them into the organization’s culture.

Teams do best when executives demonstrate collaborative behavior themselves and invest in workplace relationships. This behavior creates the kind of culture that allows employees and leaders to interact, thereby creating a clear path of open communication and a sense of community among team members.

Simply put, collaboration is important for the growth of your business. Here’s why:

  1. Problem solving. It can be extremely frustrating to encounter a problem that you aren’t able to solve on your own. That’s when it’s useful to enlist the help of your team to brainstorm a solution. By asking for a different perspective, projects that were put on hold will begin to move forward again.
  2. Power in numbers. The phrase, "two heads are better than one" is an old adage to live by. When you combine resources in talent, experience, and finances, more effective collaboration happens. Sharing and leveraging knowledge from a diversified team means reaching goals much faster than going at it alone.
  3. Learn from each other. Collaboration allows people to bring their different backgrounds and skill sets to the table thus creating a valuable learning experience for all involved. Team members can ask each other for feedback and opinions and gain a better sense of how to approach their side of a project.
  4. Boosts morale. When connections are made between employees, people tend to trust and rely on each other more which can gradually boost the morale of the entire organization.
  5. Retention rates. Connection in the workplace matters. Working for an organization where people can safely voice their opinions and concerns and where they feel valued is appealing to future and current employees. An atmosphere where collaboration is a key pillar will go a long way toward preventing people from looking for work elsewhere.

Working in a team environment is unique in that every member has a role that becomes part of the big picture. Being able to bounce ideas off of someone else is important not only to the individual, but it is crucial to the entire project and the company’s bottom line.